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A fantastic week collaboratively celebrating the Arts

This June we celebrated National Art week at Cloughside College from the 3rd July - 7th July. We wanted to celebrate what the Arts mean to us as a school, and how important the creative subjects are within our setting. We commissioned Crazy Comic Club to deliver two Manga workshops which we were able to access virtually, meaning students across all units had the opportunity to take part. This consisted of us learning about the history of Manga, the different Manga styles such as the chibi drawings and learning how to compositionally build up our drawings from basic shapes into fantastic, manga characters.
We were also able to deliver an Abstract Figurative workshop in the style of artist Siphiwi Mnguni. These drawings looked at the basic composition of the human form, the way in which our bodies move but also the fluidity of the shapes. Siphiwe Mnguni takes influence from her dual heritage and personal lived experiences, we were able to take her work and style and use it to influence our own.